Play It By Ear Amsterdam Crew

Karen Twins Productions brings the same love and creativity to all projects regardless of size, scope, or budget.

We are available to help you throughout any or every step of the filmmaking process.

Production Services:

  • Pre-Production services, such as:

    • Budget allocation

    • Assistance with LLC creation

    • Hiring cast and/or crew

    • Drafting Deal Memos/Contracts

    • Creating shooting schedules

    • Location scouting

  • On-set Production services, such as:

    • Craft services

    • Digital Imaging Technician (DIT)

    • Additional on-set duties to assist with smaller crews

    • Payroll

Post-Production Services:

  • Proxy creation

  • Log/Sync footage

  • Workflow management

  • Uploading dailies

  • Hiring sound mixers, colorists, or composers

  • Prepping deliveries

  • Branding/Marketing your film

  • Project archival


  • Assistant offline editing

  • Lead offline editing

  • Online editing

  • Social media content creation


Hire us for your next feature film, short film, series, music video, or corporate video.